3 Summer Updos

Jeg vet det er vinter her, men jeg skal snart hjem til sommer (forhåpentligvis).

Det er kjempepopulært å ha håret oppsatt i all slags knuter og bustete buns. Her er tree veldig enkle som passer for alle!

I know it is winter time here, but I am soon going back to summer.

Having all kinds of buns and updos is really popular. Here are three really simple and pretty ways that looks good at everyone!


1. Gather your hair in a semi-loose ponytail in the place you would like the bun on your head.
2. With one hand gripping the base of the ponytail firmly, use the other hand to twist the ponytail until it starts to wrap around itself.
3. Continue to twist slightly as you wrap the ponytail into a bun.
4. Once wrapped completely, you can take a hair tie and wrap around the base of the bun making sure the tip of the ponytail is secure. You can also secure the bun by sticking bobby pins in and around the base of the bun.


1. Loosely gather your hair in a ponytail at the nape of your neck.
2. Very loosely twist your hair out (away from your head), then up.
3. Then loosely tuck your hair into itself and secure with bobby pins.


1. Gather your hair very loosely in a low ponytail, away from your head a bit and secure with a hair tie.
2. Remember the «topsytail»? Well this part is sort of like that….only without the «topsy». Stick your finger in your hair, just above the hair
tie, parting the hair in two sections. Thread the tip of the ponytail through the part you’ve created, creating a twist just above the ponytail.
3. Now be creative!! With the ponytail, you can secure a bun just under the twist. Create a unique knot, or three. Make a braid to wrap in a knot

Håper noe falt i smak! Jeg synes det er kjempetøft!


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